Investment Strategy

Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) – Investment Timeframe – 7 plus years

The SAA approach tends to rely more heavily on growth assets (typically cyclical, inflation based) to achieve long term asset appreciation coupled with consistent income from bond like structures.

Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) – Investment Timeframe – 1 to 3 years

(TAA) are often referred to as Investment Tilts (tilts) and are a re-weighting of the SAA asset allocation weights either at the asset class level or within the asset class. The TAA tilts are considered in response to market trends or opportunities that may be unfolding.

Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA) – Investment Timeframe 3 to 7 years

Rather than look towards diversification via a SAA or TAA structure/strategy to address the volatility of markets and the marginal impacts that tilts to those structures can deliver, clients may consider another approach that seeks Capital Preservation and/or Absolute Returns to achieve better risk weighted returns.